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Showing posts with label whatsapp tricks. Show all posts

How To Read Deleted Messages On Whatsapp Messenger

Read whatsapp deleted messages Hello friends today i'am going to tell you a trick for read deleted whatsapp messages as we now whatsapp added a new feature for user by using this feature you can delete any send message withing 8 Minutes and this message will delete from receiver mobile and there show a message like This message was deleted.but by using this trick you can also read deleted message watch below given video for know how to read deleted whatsapp message.

How lock whatsapp chat with password

lock whatsapp chat with password

How to protect whatsapp chat with password every one want protect self-privacy on whatsapp today I am going to tell how you can protect your whatsapp chat with password yes you can set a password for your whatsapp chat. Protect you whatsapp with lock not full whatsapp you can choose your chat which you want to protect with password this feature provide by third party app Whatsapp chat locker by using this app you can lock your whatsapp chat.

How to set password for whatsapp chat.

Follow below step for lock your whatsapp chat with password.
  • 1st install whatsapp chat locker link is given below
  • After install app choose your language in which language you want use this app.
  • Now Set your Password by entering this password will be open your locked whatsapp chats.
  • Now Click on + icon left side of bottom and now click on Lock whatsapp chats when you use this app 1st time you need to on Acceptability permission for Whatsapp chat locker.
  • After on Acceptability permission go to whatsapp chat locker tap on + icon now whatsapp will be open select chat which you want to lock now your selected chat will be locked. Now you need to enter your whatsapp chat locker password for open locked chat.

How to share more than 10 media item in whatsapp from gallery?

share more than 10 media item in whatsapp from Gallery

Hey friends now you can send more than 10 images or videos in whatsapp in one time. whatsapp increase it limit 10 to 30 images or video now you can send by gallery, in early version it’s limit was 10 so it’s a good imperilment by whatsapp you will get this new limit on whatsapp messenger Version 2.17.190 or in higher version of whatsapp.
In Early version when you were trying to send more than 10 media files videos or images message give a message Can’t share more than 10 media items now this message will show when you will try to share more 30 media item from gallery.

How to use whatsapp new pin chats feature-whatapp new features and tricks

how to apply pin chats in chat

Whatsapp new feature pin it’s a useful feature you can use this feature for keep any friend chat in top. Today in this post I am going to tell you how you can use this feature or what the benefit of pin feature is. Whatsapp added new pin feature in this feature you can pin 3 chat yes maximum limit of pin are 3.

Benefit of whatsapp new pin chats feature

New pin feature is very useful for those people’s who chat with multiple friends this feature will show pinned chat on top it mean you can easily select your favorite chat (friend).you need only pin your favorite chat after this if any your other friend will message you so this message will show below of pinned chat not on top and if your pinned friend will message you it will show on top so you no need to come down or top for find your favorite chat (friend).

How to use whatsapp new pin chats feature

For use whatsapp new pin feature select your friend name (who you want to keep on top) by long tap on friend name and after select tap pin icon you can pin 3 chats yes it’s limit maximum 3 chat you can pin it you can also unpin for unpin again select your pinned chat and tap on pin icon.

How to save whatsapp status videos or images

whatsapp tricks

How to save whatsapp status videos or images? Hello friends as you know whatsapp introduced new Status feature in this feature now you can add a video or images in whatsapp status and this status will disappear after 24 hour automatically. You can also seen your friends whatsapp status videos or images the good think is this with this status feature are you can hide your status for your special number it mean you can add excluded number for hide your whatsapp status or you can also choose your contacts number who can see your status photos or videos if you choose this option so everyone can not see your status.

So here are 3 options in whatsapp for status

  • My Contacts
  • My Contacts Except…
  • Only share with…

  • May you have seen your friend’s whatsapp status videos or image in this status whatsapp does not provide any download or save option for save this status after 24 hour this status will be disappear so you will not see this status again if you want or if you like your friend’s status image or videos how you can keep this images or videos in your mobile.

    110 Best WhatsApp Status

    Here I am going to tell you how you can save whatsapp status videos or images.

    Follow below steps for save status media files.

    Go to file manager option>open whatsapp folder>Open media Folder>Now go to file manager menu and Click on Show hidden files option.

    show hidden files

    if you don't have show hidden file option in your file manager you need to Download and Install ES File Explorer app on your mobile phone.

    after hidden files show

    After show hidden files you can see a folder .Statuses open this folder and here is a status media files available copy status video or images which you want to save and past this files in other folder where you want to keep this files.

    hidden whatsapp status vidoes or images

    See video for save whatsapp status images and videos

    whatsapp image thumbnail change magic trick for android

    Whatsapp change image thumbnail trick actual download image is difference and in chat thumbnail image is difference. Make fun and share fun with your friends. You may have received any picture from your friends in whatsapp this image thumbnail is different in chat screen but actual download image is different you get shock how does it happened does it a magical trick or how your friend do this magic friends don’t worry it’s not a magic it’s a simple trick do by a android (.apk) application. You also can do this by using these apps. In android market many application have for this trick in this post I m going to tell 2 apps.
    1. magiapp
    2. z-photoFake
    3. How to use magiapp (Funny image change effect in whatsapp)

      magiapp download

      First download this app from below giver download link.


      Open this app choose two images in first box choose image which you want to show in chat area in second box choose original image which show after download.
      Now press DoMagic button. After few second automatic will open your whatsapp page now choose contact name to whom you want to share this magic image.

      How to use z-photoFake app (whatsapp image change magic)

      z-photoFake magic app for whatsapp user

      Go to google play store download z-photofake app Install this app choose your original image you want to send after select your image press next button after press next button share option will be show select whatsapp your whatsapp will be open select your contact name to whom you want to share this funny magic image. Which type effect will show in whatsapp by this app?
      This app will show a white blank image in chat box when your friend open this image the original image will show.

    How to send apps and games on whatsapp

    How to send non document file or non video or image files by whatsapp Do you know you can send Android application or other files by whatsapp not only media or documents file you can also send apk file or other files.

    Hello friends my name is vijay now I am going to tell you how to send android app and all kind of file by whatsapp you can send this files by using a simple trick. Currently whatsapp give us permission to send Documents, Audio, Videos, Images, Lacation, or contacts you can send application to your other whatsapp friend.

    How to send App by whatsapp

    Follow below steps for send any android app by whatsapp
    • 1st go to your mobile file manager option.
    • Now select your application file which you want to send
    • Now click on rename option and rename this file extension name you need to change only file extension example your file name is xyz.apk now you need change only .apk into .txt and now save this file.
    how to change apk to txt format

    • Now you can send this file as a txt file.
    sending apk file as  txt file by whatsapp

    • Now for use this apk file your friend need again change this file extension name .txt to .apk after download file.
    For example you send this file to Mr. A now ask to Mr.A change file extension name he will find this file by other name like this DOC-xxxxxxxx-WA00.txt in whatsapp Documents Folder now he need change .txt to .apk extension and use this.

    again converting txt to apk format for us this file

    After changing file extension you can use this application it will be change in original format.

    How to Download Android Paid (Pro version) apps for free - Download Pro apps free

    using app by sending whatsapp

    How To Send Whatsapp Messages In A Different Font Style

    Send whatsapp message with stylish and custom fonts whatsapp messenger hidden whatsapp trick for sending message in different font style you may have seen whatsapp message in different font style like bold, italics, underline, and Strikethrough font style or more stylish font message. whtsapp day by day improving and adding more features in whatsapp for users for better experience if we see whatsapp add more feature in whatsapp In comparison to older version of whatsapp.
    Today in this post I’m going to tell you how to send Your Whatsapp Messages in a Different Font Style.
    Now we have 4 type of font style in whatapp.
    1. Bold
    2. Italics
    3. Strikethrough
    4. N e w f o n t (Extra Space between characters)
    How to send whatsapp message in bold font Style.

    For sending whatsapp message in bold font style add * before and after word.
    Example you want send Hello Friend in bold font type *Hello Friend* and send this this message this word will be send in bold fond style.

    how to send whtaspp message in Italics font style.

    For sending whatsapp message in italics font style add _ before and after word.
    Example if you want to send Hello Friends in Italics font type _Hello Friends_ and send this message it will be send in italics font.
    You May Also Like 110 Best WhatsApp Status

    How to send whatsapp message in Strikethrough font style

    For sending whatsapp message in Strikethrough font style add ~ before and after word.
    Example if you want to send Hello Friends in Strikethrough font type ~Hello Friends~ and send this message it will be send in Strikethrough font Style.

    How to send whatsapp message in N e w f o n t Style

    For Sending whatsapp message in N e w f o n t style (Extra Space between characters) add ''' before and after word.
    Example if you want to send Hello Friends in N e w f o n t style (Extra Space between characters) type '''Hello Friends''' and send this message it will be send in New font Style.

    I hope you like this post